Effects of Mindfulness Research: Studies Overview
This post summarizes research on effects of mindfulness and mindful coloring and related interventions among university students, focusing on their effects on mental health, stress reduction, and academic outcomes.
Research Articles
1. Effectiveness of mindfulness-based coloring for university students’ test anxiety
- Authors: Carsley D, Heath NL
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2019.1583239
- PMID: 30908136
- Focus: Test anxiety reduction through mindfulness-based coloring
2. When Did Coloring Books Become Mindful? Exploring the Effectiveness of a Novel Method of Mindfulness-Guided Instructions for Coloring Books to Increase Mindfulness and Decrease Anxiety
- Authors: Mantzios M, Giannou K
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Frontiers in Psychology
- DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00056
- PMID: 29441038
- Free PMC Article: PMC5797621
- Focus: Effectiveness of mindfulness-guided instructions for coloring books
3. Short mindfulness-based intervention for psychological and academic outcomes among university students
- Authors: Vorontsova-Wenger O, Ghisletta P, Ababkov V, Bondolfi G, Barisnikov K
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
- DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2021.1931143
- PMID: 34338104
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Short mindfulness-based intervention for university students
4. Brief mindfulness-based training and mindfulness trait attenuate psychological stress in university students: a randomized controlled trial
- Authors: Sousa GM, Lima-Araújo GL, Araújo DB, Sousa MBC
- Year: 2021
- Journal: BMC Psychology
- DOI: 10.1186/s40359-021-00520-x
- PMID: 33526085
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Brief mindfulness-based training for stress reduction
5. Exploring the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention in university students: MindKinder adult version program (MK-A)
- Authors: Moreno-Gómez A, Luna P, García-Diego C, Rodríguez-Donaire A, Cejudo J
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Evaluation and Program Planning
- DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2023.102252
- PMID: 36806006
- Focus: MindKinder adult version program for university students
6. Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Bibliotherapy: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial
- Authors: Hazlett-Stevens H, Oren Y
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Journal of Clinical Psychology
- DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22370
- PMID: 27487300
- Focus: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Bibliotherapy
7. Protocol for the Mindful Student Study: a randomised controlled trial of the provision of a mindfulness intervention to support university students’ well-being and resilience to stress
- Authors: Galante J, Dufour G, Benton A, Howarth E, Vainre M, Croudace TJ, Wagner AP, Stochl J, Jones PB
- Year: 2016
- Journal: BMJ Open
- DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012300
- PMID: 28186934
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Protocol for mindfulness intervention to support student well-being
8. Facets of dispositional mindfulness versus sources of social support predicting college students’ psychological adjustment
- Authors: Kingery JN, Bodenlos JS, Lathrop JA
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2019.1574801
- PMID: 30908172
- Focus: Dispositional mindfulness and social support in student psychological adjustment
9. Efficacy of the Mindfulness Meditation Mobile App “Calm” to Reduce Stress Among College Students: Randomized Controlled Trial
- Authors: Huberty J, Green J, Glissmann C, Larkey L, Puzia M, Lee C
- Year: 2019
- Journal: JMIR mHealth and uHealth
- DOI: 10.2196/14273
- PMID: 31237569
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Efficacy of the “Calm” mobile app for stress reduction
10. Using online interventions to deliver college student mental health resources: Evidence from randomized clinical trials
- Authors: Nguyen-Feng VN, Greer CS, Frazier P
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Psychological Services
- DOI: 10.1037/ser0000154
- PMID: 29120206
- Focus: Online interventions for college student mental health
11. Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on depression, anxiety, stress and mindfulness in Korean nursing students
- Authors: Song Y, Lindquist R
- Year: 2015
- Journal: Nurse Education Today
- DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2014.06.010
- PMID: 25066651
- Focus: Mindfulness-based stress reduction for nursing students
12. Effect of a mindfulness program on stress, anxiety and depression in university students
- Authors: Gallego J, Aguilar-Parra JM, Cangas AJ, Langer ÁI, Mañas I
- Year: 2015
- Journal: The Spanish Journal of Psychology
- DOI: 10.1017/sjp.2014.102
- PMID: 26055051
- Focus: Mindfulness program effects on stress, anxiety, and depression
13. An evaluation of a low intensity mHealth enhanced mindfulness intervention for Chinese university students: A randomized controlled trial
- Authors: Hall BJ, Xiong P, Guo X, Sou EKL, Chou UI, Shen Z
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Psychiatry Research
- DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2018.09.060
- PMID: 30300870
- Focus: mHealth enhanced mindfulness intervention for Chinese students
14. An online guided ACT intervention for enhancing the psychological wellbeing of university students: A randomized controlled clinical trial
- Authors: Räsänen P, Lappalainen P, Muotka J, Tolvanen A, Lappalainen R
- Year: 2016
- Journal: Behaviour Research and Therapy
- DOI: 10.1016/j.brat.2016.01.001
- PMID: 26848517
- Focus: Online guided ACT intervention for student wellbeing
15. Relationship Between Mindfulness, Psychopathological Symptoms, and Academic Performance in University Students
- Authors: Vorontsova-Wenger O, Ghisletta P, Ababkov V, Barisnikov K
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Psychological Reports
- DOI: 10.1177/0033294119899906
- PMID: 31973635
- Focus: Mindfulness, psychopathology, and academic performance
16. Facing the fear of failure: An explorative qualitative study of client experiences in a mindfulness-based stress reduction program for university students with academic evaluation anxiety
- Authors: Hjeltnes A, Binder PE, Moltu C, Dundas I
- Year: 2015
- Journal: International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
- DOI: 10.3402/qhw.v10.27990
- PMID: 26297629
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Client experiences in MBSR for academic evaluation anxiety
17. The relationships among self-care, dispositional mindfulness, and psychological distress in medical students
- Authors: Slonim J, Kienhuis M, Di Benedetto M, Reece J
- Year: 2015
- Journal: Medical Education Online
- DOI: 10.3402/meo.v20.27924
- PMID: 26112354
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Self-care, mindfulness, and psychological distress in medical students
18. Promoting healthy transition to college through mindfulness training with first-year college students: Pilot randomized controlled trial
- Authors: Dvořáková K, Kishida M, Li J, Elavsky S, Broderick PC, Agrusti MR, Greenberg MT
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2017.1278605
- PMID: 28076182
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness training for first-year college students
19. Mindfulness, anxiety, and perceived stress in university students: Comparing a mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) against active and traditional control conditions
- Authors: Dark-Freudeman A, Jones C, Terry C
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1845180
- PMID: 33400631
- Focus: Comparison of MBI with active and traditional control conditions
20. Nursing students’ trait mindfulness and psychological stress: A correlation and mediation analysis
- Authors: Lu J, Mumba MN, Lynch S, Li C, Hua C, Allen RS
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Nurse Education Today
- DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2018.12.011
- PMID: 30703621
- Focus: Trait mindfulness and psychological stress in nursing students
21. Mindfulness moderates the relation between trauma and anxiety symptoms in college students
- Authors: Tubbs JD, Savage JE, Adkins AE, Amstadter AB, Dick DM
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2018.1477782
- PMID: 29979916
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness as a moderator between trauma and anxiety symptoms
22. Feasibility and Acceptability of an Online Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Stress Reduction and Psychological Wellbeing of University Students in Pakistan: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
- Authors: Sarfraz A, Siddiqui S, Galante J, Sikander S
- Year: 2023
- Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20085512
- PMID: 37107796
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Online mindfulness intervention for Pakistani university students
23. Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Group Intervention for Chinese University Students with Sleep Problems
- Authors: Fu L, Wei S, Cheng J, Wang X, Zhou Y, Li Y, Zheng H
- Year: 2022
- Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19020755
- PMID: 35055577
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness-based intervention for sleep problems in Chinese students
24. Brief mindfulness meditation training alters psychological and neuroendocrine responses to social evaluative stress
- Authors: Creswell JD, Pacilio LE, Lindsay EK, Brown KW
- Year: 2014
- Journal: Psychoneuroendocrinology
- DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2014.02.007
- PMID: 24767614
- Focus: Effects of brief mindfulness training on stress responses
25. Therapeutic psychological and biological responses to mindfulness-based art therapy
- Authors: Beerse ME, Van Lith T, Stanwood G
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Stress and Health
- DOI: 10.1002/smi.2937
- PMID: 32073202
- Focus: Psychological and biological responses to mindfulness-based art therapy
26. Effectiveness of an 8-Week Web-Based Mindfulness Virtual Community Intervention for University Students on Symptoms of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial
- Authors: El Morr C, Ritvo P, Ahmad F, Moineddin R; MVC Team
- Year: 2020
- Journal: JMIR Mental Health
- DOI: 10.2196/18595
- PMID: 32554380
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Web-based mindfulness intervention for university students
27. The effect of mindfulness-based mandala activity on anxiety and spiritual well-being levels of senior nursing students: A randomized controlled study
- Authors: Sari Ozturk C, Kilicarslan Toruner E
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Perspectives in Psychiatric Care
- DOI: 10.1111/ppc.13138
- PMID: 35780483
- Focus: Mindfulness-based mandala activity for nursing students
28. A qualitative inquiry comparing mindfulness-based art therapy versus neutral clay tasks as a proactive mental health solution for college students
- Authors: Van Lith T, Beerse M, Smalley Q
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1841211
- PMID: 33253065
- Focus: Comparison of mindfulness-based art therapy and neutral clay tasks
29. Psychological and autonomic effects of art making in college-aged students
- Authors: Sandmire DA, Rankin NE, Gorham SR, Eggleston DT, French CA, Lodge EE, Kuns GC, Grimm DR
- Year: 2016
- Journal: Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
- DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2015.1076798
- PMID: 26222010
- Focus: Psychological and autonomic effects of art making in students
30. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Mindfulness Versus Yoga: Effects on Depression and/or Anxiety in College Students
- Authors: Falsafi N
- Year: 2016
- Journal: Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association
- DOI: 10.1177/1078390316663307
- PMID: 27566622
- Focus: Comparison of mindfulness and yoga for depression/anxiety in students
31. Effect of Seminar on Compassion on student self-compassion, mindfulness and well-being: A randomized controlled trial
- Authors: Ko CM, Grace F, Chavez GN, Grimley SJ, Dalrymple ER, Olson LE
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2018.1431913
- PMID: 29405863
- Focus: Effect of compassion seminar on student well-being
32. Evaluation of an mHealth App (DeStressify) on University Students’ Mental Health: Pilot Trial
- Authors: Lee RA, Jung ME
- Year: 2018
- Journal: JMIR Mental Health
- DOI: 10.2196/mental.8324
- PMID: 29362209
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Evaluation of DeStressify app for student mental health
33. Mindfulness, Self-Efficacy, and Stress Among Final-Year Nursing Students
- Authors: Rayan A
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
- DOI: 10.3928/02793695-20181031-01
- PMID: 30508462
- Focus: Mindfulness, self-efficacy, and stress in nursing students
34. The Role of Attentional Control in the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Anxiety
- Authors: MacDonald HZ, Olsen A
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Psychological Reports
- DOI: 10.1177/0033294119835756
- PMID: 30866719
- Focus: Attentional control in the mindfulness-anxiety relationship
35. Effectiveness of a guided online mindfulness-focused intervention in a student population: Study protocol for a randomised control trial
- Authors: Schultchen D, Küchler AM, Schillings C, Weineck F, Karabatsiakis A, Ebert DD, Baumeister H, Pollatos O
- Year: 2020
- Journal: BMJ Open
- DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032775
- PMID: 32209621
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Protocol for guided online mindfulness intervention study
36. Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Brief Mindfulness Activity in University Students With Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Engagement
- Authors: Argento A, Simundic A, Mettler J, Mills DJ, Heath NL
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Archives of Suicide Research
- DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2020.1841052
- PMID: 33135590
- Focus: Brief mindfulness activity for students with non-suicidal self-injury
37. Cooperative and Individual Mandala Drawing Have Different Effects on Mindfulness, Spirituality, and Subjective Well-Being
- Authors: Liu C, Chen H, Liu CY, Lin RT, Chiou WK
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Frontiers in Psychology
- DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.564430
- PMID: 33162908
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Effects of cooperative vs. individual mandala drawing
38. Improving emotion regulation and mood in teacher trainees: Effectiveness of two mindfulness trainings
- Authors: Wimmer L, von Stockhausen L, Bellingrath S
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Brain and Behavior
- DOI: 10.1002/brb3.1390
- PMID: 31436394
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness trainings for emotion regulation in teacher trainees
39. Stress and Anxiety Management in Nursing Students: Biofeedback and Mindfulness Meditation
- Authors: Ratanasiripong P, Park JF, Ratanasiripong N, Kathalae D
- Year: 2015
- Journal: Journal of Nursing Education
- DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20150814-07
- PMID: 26334339
- Focus: Biofeedback and mindfulness meditation for nursing students
40. Moving 2 Mindful (M2M) study protocol: testing a mindfulness group plus ecological momentary intervention to decrease stress and anxiety in adolescents from high-conflict homes with a mixed-method longitudinal design
- Authors: Lucas-Thompson R, Seiter N, Broderick PC, Coatsworth JD, Henry KL, McKernan CJ, Smyth JM
- Year: 2019
- Journal: BMJ Open
- DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030948
- PMID: 31784436
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness intervention for adolescents from high-conflict homes
41. Alexithymia in Young people’s academic career: The mediating role of anxiety and resilience
- Authors: Romano L, Buonomo I, Callea A, Fiorilli C
- Year: 2019
- Journal: The Journal of Genetic Psychology
- DOI: 10.1080/00221325.2019.1620675
- PMID: 31165680
- Focus: Alexithymia, anxiety, and resilience in academic careers
42. Efficacy of a single-session online ACT-based mindfulness intervention among undergraduates in lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Authors: Pang NTP, Tio VCS, Singh ASB, Tseu MWL, Shoesmith WD, Abd Rahim MA, Mohd Kassim MA
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- DOI: 10.47626/2237-6089-2020-0172
- PMID: 34392668
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Online ACT-based mindfulness intervention during COVID-19 lockdown
43. Mindfulness based art therapy study protocol to determine efficacy in reducing college stress and anxiety
- Authors: Van Lith T, Cheshure A, Pickett SM, Stanwood GD, Beerse M
- Year: 2021
- Journal: BMC Psychology
- DOI: 10.1186/s40359-021-00634-2
- PMID: 34479649
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Protocol for mindfulness-based art therapy for college stress and anxiety
44. Mindfulness among lebanese university students and its indirect effect between mental health and wellbeing
- Authors: Bitar Z, Rogoza R, Hallit S, Obeid S
- Year: 2023
- Journal: BMC Psychology
- DOI: 10.1186/s40359-023-01155-w
- PMID: 37055857
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness, mental health, and wellbeing in Lebanese students
45. A Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Working Memory Capacity in Adolescents
- Authors: Quach D, Jastrowski Mano KE, Alexander K
- Year: 2016
- Journal: Journal of Adolescent Health
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.09.024
- PMID: 26576819
- Focus: Mindfulness meditation effects on working memory in adolescents
46. A randomized controlled trial of the effects of mindfulness practice on doctoral candidate psychological status
- Authors: Barry KM, Woods M, Martin A, Stirling C, Warnecke E
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2018.1515760
- PMID: 30388950
- Focus: Mindfulness practice effects on doctoral candidates’ psychological status
47. Effects of a mindfulness intervention in Chilean high schoolers
- Authors: Langer ÁI, Schmidt C, Aguilar-Parra JM, Cid C, Magni A
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Revista Médica de Chile
- DOI: 10.4067/S0034-98872017000400008
- PMID: 28748995
- Free Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness intervention effects in Chilean high school students
48. A randomised controlled trial of a brief online mindfulness-based intervention
- Authors: Cavanagh K, Strauss C, Cicconi F, Griffiths N, Wyper A, Jones F
- Year: 2013
- Journal: Behaviour Research and Therapy
- DOI: 10.1016/j.brat.2013.06.003
- PMID: 23872699
- Focus: Brief online mindfulness-based intervention
49. Improvements in emotion regulation following mindfulness meditation: Effects on depressive symptoms and perceived stress in younger breast cancer survivors
- Authors: Boyle CC, Stanton AL, Ganz PA, Crespi CM, Bower JE
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
- DOI: 10.1037/ccp0000186
- PMID: 28230391
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness meditation for emotion regulation in breast cancer survivors
50. Emotion Management for College Students: Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Emotion Management Intervention on Emotional Regulation and Resilience of College Students
- Authors: Jia-Yuan Z, Xiang-Zi J, Yi-Nan F, Yu-Xia C
- Year: 2022
- Journal: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
- DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000001484
- PMID: 36037324
- Focus: Mindfulness-based emotion management for college students
51. Effectiveness of providing university students with a mindfulness-based intervention to increase resilience to stress: 1-year follow-up of a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
- Authors: Galante J, Stochl J, Dufour G, Vainre M, Wagner AP, Jones PB
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
- DOI: 10.1136/jech-2020-214390
- PMID: 32913130
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Long-term effects of mindfulness intervention on student resilience
52. The Use of Islamic Patterned Art Therapy: Healing of Psychological Problems Among University Students
- Authors: Hajra B, Saleem T
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Journal of Religion and Health
- DOI: 10.1007/s10943-021-01240-7
- PMID: 33856618
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Islamic patterned art therapy for university students’ psychological problems
53. The Efficacy of Internet-Based Mindfulness Training and Cognitive-Behavioral Training With Telephone Support in the Enhancement of Mental Health Among College Students and Young Working Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial
- Authors: Mak WW, Chio FH, Chan AT, Lui WW, Wu EK
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Journal of Medical Internet Research
- DOI: 10.2196/jmir.6737
- PMID: 28330831
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Internet-based mindfulness and CBT for college students and young adults
54. The Effectiveness of a Mindfulness Induction as a Buffer Against Stress Among University Students With and Without a History of Self-Injury
- Authors: Petrovic J, Bastien L, Mettler J, Heath NL
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Psychological Reports
- DOI: 10.1177/00332941221089282
- PMID: 35473432
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness induction for stress buffering in students with self-injury history
55. How does mindfulness modulate daily stress response: evidences from ambulatory assessment
- Authors: An Y, Schoebi D, Xu W
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Psychology & Health
- DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2018.1539488
- PMID: 30590950
- Focus: Mindfulness and daily stress response using ambulatory assessment
56. Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle through Mindfulness in University Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Authors: Soriano-Ayala E, Amutio A, Franco C, Mañas I
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Nutrients
- DOI: 10.3390/nu12082450
- PMID: 32824061
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness for promoting healthy lifestyle in university students
57. The effects of a short-term mindfulness meditation intervention on coping flexibility
- Authors: Jones DR, Lehman BJ, Noriega A, Dinnel DL
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
- DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2019.1596672
- PMID: 30929458
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Short-term mindfulness meditation effects on coping flexibility
58. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for College Students With ADHD
- Authors: Gu Y, Xu G, Zhu Y
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Journal of Attention Disorders
- DOI: 10.1177/1087054716686183
- PMID: 28038496
- Focus: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for college students with ADHD
59. Moderating Effect of Mindfulness on the Influence of Stress on Depression According to the Level of Stress among University Students in South Korea
- Authors: Park KH, Kim H, Kim J
- Year: 2020
- Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17186634
- PMID: 32932987
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness as a moderator between stress and depression in Korean students
60. Differential Effect of Level of Self-Regulation and Mindfulness Training on Coping Strategies Used by University Students
- Authors: Fuente J, Mañas I, Franco C, Cangas AJ, Soriano E
- Year: 2018
- Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15102230
- PMID: 30314383
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Self-regulation, mindfulness training, and coping strategies in university students
61. The Effectiveness of Daily Mindful Breathing Practices on Test Anxiety of Students
- Authors: Cho H, Ryu S, Noh J, Lee J
- Year: 2016
- Journal: PLOS ONE
- DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164822
- PMID: 27764151
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Daily mindful breathing practices for test anxiety reduction
62. Effects of a brief mindfulness-based intervention program for stress management among medical students: the Mindful-Gym randomized controlled study
- Authors: Phang CK, Mukhtar F, Ibrahim N, Keng SL, Mohd Sidik S
- Year: 2015
- Journal: Advances in Health Sciences Education
- DOI: 10.1007/s10459-015-9591-3
- PMID: 25697124
- Focus: Brief mindfulness intervention for stress management in medical students
63. Classroom-Based Mindfulness Training Reduces Anxiety in Adolescents: Acceptability and Effectiveness of a Cluster-Randomized Pilot Study
- Authors: Johnstone JM, Ribbers A, Jenkins D, Atchley R, Gustafsson H, Nigg JT, Wahbeh H, Oken B
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Journal of Restorative Medicine
- DOI: 10.14200/jrm.2020.0101
- PMID: 33365203
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Classroom-based mindfulness training for anxiety reduction in adolescents
64. App-based mindfulness meditation for psychological distress and adjustment to college in incoming university students: a pragmatic, randomised, waitlist-controlled trial
- Authors: Flett JAM, Conner TS, Riordan BC, Patterson T, Hayne H
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Psychology & Health
- DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2019.1711089
- PMID: 32046499
- Focus: App-based mindfulness meditation for college adjustment
65. Mindfulness and alcohol problems in college students: the mediating effects of stress
- Authors: Bodenlos JS, Noonan M, Wells SY
- Year: 2013
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2013.805714
- PMID: 23930751
- Focus: Mindfulness, stress, and alcohol problems in college students
66. An examination of mindfulness skills in terms of affect tolerance among individuals with elevated levels of health anxiety
- Authors: O’Bryan EM, Luberto CM, Kraemer KM, McLeish AC
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
- DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2018.1521515
- PMID: 30205718
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness skills and affect tolerance in health anxiety
67. The effects of group mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in nursing students: A quasi-experimental study
- Authors: Yüksel A, Bahadır Yılmaz E
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Nurse Education Today
- DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2019.104268
- PMID: 31765872
- Focus: Group mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for nursing students
68. Daily change patterns in mindfulness and psychological health: A pilot intervention
- Authors: Kim SY, Suh H, Oh W, Daheim J
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Journal of Clinical Psychology
- DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23043
- PMID: 32860443
- Focus: Daily patterns of mindfulness and psychological health
69. The Impact of a Brief Embedded Mindfulness-Based Program for Veterinary Students
- Authors: Correia HM, Smith AD, Murray S, Polak LS, Williams B, Cake MA
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Journal of Veterinary Medical Education
- DOI: 10.3138/jvme.0116-026R
- PMID: 28206840
- Focus: Brief mindfulness program for veterinary students
70. Relationship Between Dispositional Mindfulness and Living Condition and the Well-Being of First-Year University Students in Japan
- Authors: Irie T, Yokomitsu K
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Frontiers in Psychology
- DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02831
- PMID: 31920864
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Dispositional mindfulness and well-being in Japanese university students
71. Mindfulness-based therapy and behavioral activation: A randomized controlled trial with depressed college students
- Authors: McIndoo CC, File AA, Preddy T, Clark CG, Hopko DR
- Year: 2016
- Journal: Behaviour Research and Therapy
- DOI: 10.1016/j.brat.2015.12.012
- PMID: 26745622
- Focus: Comparison of mindfulness-based therapy and behavioral activation for depressed students
72. Cognitive Fusion Mediates the Relationship between Dispositional Mindfulness and Negative Affects: A Study in a Sample of Spanish Children and Adolescent School Students
- Authors: García-Gómez M, Guerra J, López-Ramos VM, Mestre JM
- Year: 2019
- Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16234687
- PMID: 31775280
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Cognitive fusion, dispositional mindfulness, and negative affect in youth
73. Anxiety, Dispositional Mindfulness, and Sexual Desire in Men Consulting in Clinical Sexology: A Mediational Model
- Authors: Déziel J, Godbout N, Hébert M
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
- DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2017.1405308
- PMID: 29281564
- Focus: Dispositional mindfulness, anxiety, and sexual desire in clinical sexology
74. Predictors of psychological distress amongst nursing students: A multicenter cross-sectional study
- Authors: Salvarani V, Ardenghi S, Rampoldi G, Bani M, Cannata P, Ausili D, Di Mauro S, Strepparava MG
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Nurse Education in Practice
- DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2020.102758
- PMID: 32234667
- Free Article: Available
- Focus: Predictors of psychological distress in nursing students
75. Evaluation of the contribution of values clarification to a brief mindfulness meditation intervention for anxiety
- Authors: Berghoff CR, Forsyth JP, Ritzert TR, Eifert GH, Anderson DA
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Journal of Clinical Psychology
- DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22610
- PMID: 29542812
- Focus: Values clarification in mindfulness meditation for anxiety
76. Mindfulness Training for Health Profession Students-The Effect of Mindfulness Training on Psychological Well-Being, Learning and Clinical Performance of Health Professional Students: A Systematic Review of Randomized and Non-randomized Controlled Trials
- Authors: McConville J, McAleer R, Hahne A
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Explore
- DOI: 10.1016/j.explore.2016.10.002
- PMID: 27889445
- Focus: Systematic review of mindfulness training for health profession students
77. Undergraduate pharmacy students’ experiences of a mindfulness-based intervention
- Authors: O’Driscoll M, Byrne S, Byrne H, Lambert S, Sahm LJ
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
- DOI: 10.1016/j.cptl.2019.07.014
- PMID: 31783953
- Focus: Mindfulness-based intervention for pharmacy students
78. Happier Healers: Randomized Controlled Trial of Mobile Mindfulness for Stress Management
- Authors: Yang E, Schamber E, Meyer RML, Gold JI
- Year: 2018
- Journal: The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
- DOI: 10.1089/acm.2015.0301
- PMID: 29420050
- Focus: Mobile mindfulness app for stress management in healthcare professionals
79. Developing mindfulness in college students through movement-based courses: effects on self-regulatory self-efficacy, mood, stress, and sleep quality
- Authors: Caldwell K, Harrison M, Adams M, Quin RH, Greeson J
- Year: 2010
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448480903540481
- PMID: 20304755
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Movement-based mindfulness courses for college students
80. Effectiveness of a mindful nature walking intervention on sleep quality and mood in university students during Covid-19: A randomised control study
- Authors: Ma J, Williams JM, Morris PG, Chan SWY
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Explore
- DOI: 10.1016/j.explore.2022.08.004
- PMID: 35973933
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindful nature walking for sleep and mood during Covid-19
81. A randomized controlled trial of the effects of brief mindfulness meditation on anxiety symptoms and systolic blood pressure in Chinese nursing students
- Authors: Chen Y, Yang X, Wang L, Zhang X
- Year: 2013
- Journal: Nurse Education Today
- DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2012.11.014
- PMID: 23260618
- Focus: Brief mindfulness meditation effects on anxiety and blood pressure in nursing students
82. Use of Meditation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for the Treatment of Stress, Depression and Anxiety in Students. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Authors: González-Valero G, Zurita-Ortega F, Ubago-Jiménez JL, Puertas-Molero P
- Year: 2019
- Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16224394
- PMID: 31717682
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Systematic review of meditation and CBT for student stress, depression, and anxiety
83. Impact of a mindfulness-based intervention on undergraduate pharmacy students’ stress and distress: Quantitative results of a mixed-methods study
- Authors: O’Driscoll M, Sahm LJ, Byrne H, Lambert S, Byrne S
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
- DOI: 10.1016/j.cptl.2019.05.014
- PMID: 31570124
- Focus: Mindfulness-based intervention for pharmacy students’ stress and distress
84. Momentary and longitudinal relationships of mindfulness to stress and anxiety among Chinese elementary school students: mediations of cognitive flexibility, self-awareness, and social environment
- Authors: Wen X, Zhang Q, Liu X, Du J, Xu W
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Journal of Affective Disorders
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.06.038
- PMID: 34217138
- Focus: Mindfulness relationships with stress and anxiety in Chinese elementary students
85. Six-year positive effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on mindfulness, coping and well-being in medical and psychology students; Results from a randomized controlled trial
- Authors: de Vibe M, Solhaug I, Rosenvinge JH, Tyssen R, Hanley A, Garland E
- Year: 2018
- Journal: PLOS ONE
- DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0196053
- PMID: 29689081
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Long-term effects of mindfulness intervention on medical and psychology students
86. Evaluation of a brief cognitive behavioral group intervention to reduce depersonalization in students with high levels of trait test anxiety: a randomized controlled trial
- Authors: Schweden TLK, Konrad AC, Wekenborg MK, Hoyer J
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
- DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2020.1736936
- PMID: 32160798
- Focus: Brief CBT intervention for depersonalization in test-anxious students
87. Does a Brief Mindfulness Exercise Improve Outcomes in Upper Extremity Patients? A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Authors: Westenberg RF, Zale EL, Heinhuis TJ, Özkan S, Nazzal A, Lee SG, Chen NC, Vranceanu AM
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
- DOI: 10.1007/s11999.0000000000000086
- PMID: 29480886
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Brief mindfulness exercise for upper extremity patients
88. Individual Differences in the Relationship Between Attachment and Nomophobia Among College Students: The Mediating Role of Mindfulness
- Authors: Arpaci I, Baloğlu M, Özteke Kozan Hİ, Kesici Ş
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Journal of Medical Internet Research
- DOI: 10.2196/jmir.8847
- PMID: 29242179
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness as mediator between attachment and nomophobia in college students
89.The benefits of dispositional mindfulness in physical health: a longitudinal study of female college students
- Authors: Murphy MJ, Mermelstein LC, Edwards KM, Gidycz CA
- Year: 2012
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2011.629260
- PMID: 22686356
- Focus: Dispositional mindfulness and physical health in female college students
90. A randomised active-controlled trial to examine the effects of an online mindfulness intervention on executive control, critical thinking and key thinking dispositions in a university student sample
- Authors: Noone C, Hogan MJ
- Year: 2018
- Journal: BMC Psychology
- DOI: 10.1186/s40359-018-0226-3
- PMID: 29622047
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Online mindfulness intervention effects on executive control and critical thinking
91. A Mindfulness-Based Brain-Computer Interface to Augment Mandala Coloring for Depression: Protocol for a Single-Case Experimental Design
- Authors: Daudén Roquet C, Sas C
- Year: 2021
- Journal: JMIR Research Protocols
- DOI: 10.2196/20819
- PMID: 33459604
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness-based brain-computer interface for depression treatment
92. Randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of a web-based stress management program among community college students
- Authors: Frazier P, Meredith L, Greer C, Paulsen JA, Howard K, Dietz LR, Qin K
- Year: 2015
- Journal: Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
- DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2014.987666
- PMID: 25420030
- Focus: Web-based stress management program for community college students
93. A Pilot Study Exploring the Use of an Online Pre-Composed Receptive Music Experience for Students Coping with Stress and Anxiety
- Authors: Fiore J
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Journal of Music Therapy
- DOI: 10.1093/jmt/thy017
- PMID: 30339229
- Focus: Online pre-composed music for student stress and anxiety
94. Working College Students’ Time Pressure and Work-School Conflict: Do Boundary Permeability and Dispositional Mindfulness Matter?
- Authors: Wan MM, Feng L, Meng X, Zhai M, Konopaske R
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Psychological Reports
- DOI: 10.1177/00332941211029621
- PMID: 34225512
- Focus: Dispositional mindfulness in work-school conflict for working college students
95. Teacher-led relaxation response curriculum in an urban high school: impact on student behavioral health and classroom environment
- Authors: Wilson HK, Scult M, Wilcher M, Chudnofsky R, Malloy L, Drewel E, Riklin E, Saul S, Fricchione GL, Benson H, Denninger JW
- Year: 2015
- Journal: Advances in Mind-Body Medicine
- PMID: 25831429
- Focus: Teacher-led relaxation response curriculum in high school
96. Examining the effect of mindfulness-based art therapy (MBAT) on stress and lifestyle of Iranian pregnant women
- Authors: Jalambadani Z, Borji A, Bakaeian M
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2019.1652889
- PMID: 31607191
- Focus: Mindfulness-based art therapy for pregnant women’s stress and lifestyle
97. Brief Yoga Intervention for Dental and Dental Hygiene Students: A Feasibility and Acceptability Study
- Authors: Braun SE, Deeb G, Carrico C, Kinser PA
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine
- DOI: 10.1177/2515690X19855303
- PMID: 31204485
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Brief yoga intervention for dental and dental hygiene students
98. Surviving and Thriving During Stress: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing a Brief Web-Based Therapist-Assisted Acceptance-Based Behavioral Intervention Versus Waitlist Control for College Students
- Authors: Eustis EH, Hayes-Skelton SA, Orsillo SM, Roemer L
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Behavior Therapy
- DOI: 10.1016/j.beth.2018.05.009
- PMID: 30316488
- Focus: Web-based acceptance-based behavioral intervention for college student stress
99. Effects of a Mindfulness Intervention on Sports-Anxiety, Pessimism, and Flow in Competitive Cyclists
- Authors: Scott-Hamilton J, Schutte NS, Brown RF
- Year: 2016
- Journal: Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
- DOI: 10.1111/aphw.12063
- PMID: 26970111
- Focus: Mindfulness intervention for sports-anxiety and flow in competitive cyclists
100. The efficacy of mindfulness-based intervention in ameliorating externalizing behaviors and attentional concerns among college students
- Authors: Sharma S, Palomares-Fernandez R
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2021.1909038
- PMID: 33974524
- Focus: Mindfulness-based intervention for externalizing behaviors and attention in college students
101. A Controlled Study of a Group Mindfulness Intervention for Individuals Living With Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Authors: Neilson K, Ftanou M, Monshat K, Salzberg M, Bell S, Kamm MA, Connell W, Knowles SR, Sevar K, Mancuso SG, Castle D
- Year: 2016
- Journal: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
- DOI: 10.1097/MIB.0000000000000629
- PMID: 26529560
- Focus: Mindfulness intervention for individuals with inflammatory bowel disease
102. Feasibility, acceptability and preliminary psychological benefits of mindfulness meditation training in a sample of men diagnosed with prostate cancer on active surveillance: results from a randomized controlled pilot trial
- Authors: Victorson D, Hankin V, Burns J, Weiland R, Maletich C, Sufrin N, Schuette S, Gutierrez B, Brendler C
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Psycho-Oncology
- DOI: 10.1002/pon.4135
- PMID: 27145355
- Focus: Mindfulness meditation for men with prostate cancer on active surveillance
103. A randomized, controlled pilot study of mindfulness-based stress reduction for pediatric chronic pain
- Authors: Jastrowski Mano KE, Salamon KS, Hainsworth KR, Anderson Khan KJ, Ladwig RJ, Davies WH, Weisman SJ
- Year: 2013
- Journal: Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
- PMID: 24254033
- Focus: MBSR for pediatric chronic pain
104. Does a short self-compassion intervention for students increase healthy self-regulation? A randomized control trial
- Authors: Dundas I, Binder PE, Hansen TGB, Stige SH
- Year: 2017
- Journal: Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
- DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12385
- PMID: 28850726
- Focus: Short self-compassion intervention for student self-regulation
105. Exploring The effects Of An online asynchronous mindfulness meditation intervention with nursing students On Stress, mood, And Cognition: A descriptive study
- Authors: Spadaro KC, Hunker DF
- Year: 2016
- Journal: Nurse Education Today
- DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2016.02.006
- PMID: 27006051
- Focus: Online mindfulness meditation for nursing students’ stress, mood, and cognition
106. The Effect of Mindfulness Programs on Collegiate Test Anxiety
- Authors: Priebe NP, Kurtz-Costes BE
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Mindfulness
- DOI: 10.1007/s12671-022-02002-6
- PMID: 36313003
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness programs for collegiate test anxiety
107. The effectiveness of mindfulness meditation for nurses and nursing students: An integrated literature review
- Authors: van der Riet P, Levett-Jones T, Aquino-Russell C
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Nurse Education Today
- DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2018.03.018
- PMID: 29602138
- Focus: Literature review on mindfulness meditation for nurses and nursing students
108. “The Program Affects Me ‘Cause it Gives Away Stress”: Urban Students’ Qualitative Perspectives on Stress and a School-Based Mindful Yoga Intervention
- Authors: Dariotis JK, Cluxton-Keller F, Mirabal-Beltran R, Gould LF, Greenberg MT, Mendelson T
- Year: 2016
- Journal: Explore
- DOI: 10.1016/j.explore.2016.08.002
- PMID: 27688017
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Qualitative study on school-based mindful yoga for urban students’ stress
109. Mindfulness, anxiety, and high-stakes mathematics performance in the laboratory and classroom
- Authors: Bellinger DB, DeCaro MS, Ralston PA
- Year: 2015
- Journal: Consciousness and Cognition
- DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2015.09.001
- PMID: 26372885
- Focus: Mindfulness and anxiety in high-stakes mathematics performance
110. Probiotic Supplement Preparation Relieves Test Anxiety by Regulating Intestinal Microbiota in College Students
- Authors: Qin Q, Liu H, Yang Y, Wang Y, Xia C, Tian P, Wei J, Li S, Chen T
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Disease Markers
- DOI: 10.1155/2021/5597401
- PMID: 33981369
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Probiotic supplements for test anxiety in college students
111. Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on anxiety symptoms in young people: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Authors: Zhou X, Guo J, Lu G, Chen C, Xie Z, Liu J, Zhang C
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Psychiatry Research
- DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113002
- PMID: 32438210
- Focus: Systematic review of MBSR for anxiety symptoms in young people
112. Reducing Test Anxiety and Related Symptoms Using a Biofeedback Respiratory Practice Device: A Randomized Control Trial
- Authors: Rosenberg A, Hamiel D
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
- DOI: 10.1007/s10484-020-09494-9
- PMID: 33389280
- Focus: Biofeedback respiratory practice for test anxiety reduction
113. The Mindful Way Through the Semester: Evaluating the Impact of Integrating an Acceptance-Based Behavioral Program Into a First-Year Experience Course for Undergraduates
- Authors: Danitz SB, Suvak MK, Orsillo SM
- Year: 2016
- Journal: Behavior Therapy
- DOI: 10.1016/j.beth.2016.03.002
- PMID: 27423165
- Focus: Acceptance-based behavioral program in first-year undergraduate course
114. Effects of Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy on Psychological Symptoms in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
- Authors: Jang SH, Lee JH, Lee HJ, Lee SY
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Journal of Korean Medical Science
- DOI: 10.3346/jkms.2018.33.e88
- PMID: 29542299
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness-based art therapy for coronary artery disease patients
115. Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on prenatal stress, anxiety and depression
- Authors: Zhang JY, Cui YX, Zhou YQ, Li YL
- Year: 2019
- Journal: Psychology, Health & Medicine
- DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2018.1468028
- PMID: 29695175
- Focus: MBSR for prenatal stress, anxiety, and depression
116. Effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction in a community sample over 2 years
- Authors: Madson L, Klug B, Madson L, Stimatze T, Eness-Potter K, MacDonald J
- Year: 2018
- Journal: Annals of Clinical Psychiatry
- PMID: 29373618
- Focus: Long-term effectiveness of MBSR in a community sample
117. The moderation of Mindfulness-based stress reduction effects by trait mindfulness: results from a randomized controlled trial
- Authors: Shapiro SL, Brown KW, Thoresen C, Plante TG
- Year: 2011
- Journal: Journal of Clinical Psychology
- DOI: 10.1002/jclp.20761
- PMID: 21254055
- Focus: Trait mindfulness as a moderator of MBSR effects
118. Relationships between test anxiety and metacognition in Chinese young adults with and without specific learning disabilities
- Authors: Wang LC, Li X, Chung KKH
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Annals of Dyslexia
- DOI: 10.1007/s11881-021-00218-0
- PMID: 33615418
- Focus: Test anxiety and metacognition in young adults with learning disabilities
119. Relationship Between Mindfulness and Physical Activity in College Students: The Mediating Effect of Eudaimonic Well-Being
- Authors: Zhang Z, He Z, Qian J, Qi X, Tong J
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Perceptual and Motor Skills
- DOI: 10.1177/00315125221149833
- PMID: 36593217
- Focus: Mindfulness, physical activity, and eudaimonic well-being in college students
120. Exploring anxiety awareness during academic science examinations
- Authors: Apostolidis H, Tsiatsos T
- Year: 2021
- Journal: PLOS ONE
- DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261167
- PMID: 34910743
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Anxiety awareness during academic science examinations
121. Effectiveness of mandala coloring in reducing anxiety in women with early-stage breast cancer receiving chemotherapy for the first time
- Authors: Akbulak F, Can G
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Explore
- DOI: 10.1016/j.explore.2022.04.007
- PMID: 35508427
- Focus: Mandala coloring for anxiety reduction in breast cancer patients
122. Aversive response to uncertainty as a mediator for the effect of a mindfulness intervention on symptoms of anxiety
- Authors: Papenfuss I, Lommen MJJ, Huisman M, Ostafin BD
- Year: 2022
- Journal: International Journal of Psychophysiology
- DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2022.06.014
- PMID: 35753561
- Focus: Aversive response to uncertainty as a mediator in mindfulness interventions for anxiety
123. Measuring the Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Program to Manage Academic Stress through a Resilience to Stress Index
- Authors: Figueroa C, Ayala A, Trejo LA, Ramos B, Briz CL, Noriega I, Chávez A
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Sensors
- DOI: 10.3390/s23052650
- PMID: 36904856
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Multicomponent program for managing academic stress
124. Dispositional mindfulness predicting psychological adjustment among college students: the role of rumination and gender
- Authors: Kingery JN, Bodenlos JS, Schneider TI, Peltz JS, Sindoni MW
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2021.1943411
- PMID: 34437827
- Focus: Dispositional mindfulness, rumination, and gender in college students’ psychological adjustment
125. Social climate in university classrooms: A mindfulness-based educational intervention
- Authors: Amutio A, Telletxea S, Mateos-Pérez E, Padoan S, Basabe N
- Year: 2022
- Journal: PsyCh Journal
- DOI: 10.1002/pchj.509
- PMID: 34969176
- Focus: Mindfulness-based intervention for improving social climate in university classrooms
126. Impact of fear of COVID-19 on students’ performance, moderating role of mindfulness: HSK students’ perception-based view
- Authors: Meiyi Z, Liu Y
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Frontiers in Public Health
- DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.967125
- PMID: 36420013
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness as a moderator of COVID-19 fear impact on student performance
127. Mindfulness, Contact Anxiety, and Attitudes Toward Students With Visual Impairments Among Certified Adapted Physical Educators
- Authors: Haegele JA, Li C, Wilson WJ
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly
- DOI: 10.1123/apaq.2019-0194
- PMID: 32963124
- Focus: Mindfulness and attitudes toward students with visual impairments in physical education
128. The Effects of Mindfulness-Based Mandala Coloring, Made in Nature, on Chronic Widespread Musculoskeletal Pain: Randomized Trial
- Authors: Choi H, Hahm SC, Jeon YH, Han JW, Kim SY, Woo JM
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Healthcare
- DOI: 10.3390/healthcare9060642
- PMID: 34071674
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness-based mandala coloring for chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain
129. Feasibility of Clinical Hypnosis for Test Anxiety in First-Year Medical Students
- Authors: Hammer CM, Scholz M, Bischofsberger L, Paulsen F, Burger PHM
- Year: 2020
- Journal: International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
- DOI: 10.1080/00207144.2020.1799379
- PMID: 32804002
- Focus: Clinical hypnosis for test anxiety in medical students
130. Interpersonal Mindfulness, Intergroup Anxiety, and Intercultural Communication Effectiveness Among International Students Studying in Russia
- Authors: Khukhlaev O, Novikova I, Chernaya A
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Frontiers in Psychology
- DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.841361
- PMID: 35645883
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Interpersonal mindfulness and intercultural communication among international students
131. A mediating model of mindfulness, sense of purpose in life and mental health among Chinese graduate students
- Authors: Wang Y, Tian T, Wang J
- Year: 2022
- Journal: BMC Psychology
- DOI: 10.1186/s40359-022-00799-4
- PMID: 35387684
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mediating role of sense of purpose in mindfulness and mental health
132. The Role of Mindfulness in Business Administration (B.A.) University Students’ Career Prospects and Concerns about the Future
- Authors: Plana-Farran M, Blanch À, Solé S
- Year: 2022
- Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19031376
- PMID: 35162407
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness in relation to business students’ career prospects and future concerns
133. Does expressive writing or an instructional intervention reduce the impacts of test anxiety in a college classroom?
- Authors: Myers SJ, Davis SD, Chan JCK
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications
- DOI: 10.1186/s41235-021-00309-x
- PMID: 34114117
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Expressive writing and instructional interventions for test anxiety
134. Emotion Self-Regulation in Neurotic Students: A Pilot Mindfulness-Based Intervention to Assess Its Effectiveness through Brain Signals and Behavioral Data
- Authors: Izhar LI, Babiker A, Rizki EE, Lu CK, Abdul Rahman M
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Sensors
- DOI: 10.3390/s22072703
- PMID: 35408317
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness-based intervention for emotion regulation in neurotic students
135. The effectiveness of affective compared to neutral working memory training in university students with test anxiety
- Authors: Minihan S, Samimi Z, Schweizer S
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Behaviour Research and Therapy
- DOI: 10.1016/j.brat.2021.103974
- PMID: 34624665
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Affective vs. neutral working memory training for test anxiety
136. The role of mindfulness and attachment security in facilitating resilience
- Authors: Yang F, Oka T
- Year: 2022
- Journal: BMC Psychology
- DOI: 10.1186/s40359-022-00772-1
- PMID: 35296358
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness and attachment security in promoting resilience
137. Enhancing students’ well-being with a unified approach based on contextual behavioural science: A randomised experimental school-based intervention
- Authors: Macías J, Schosser KK, Bond FW, Blanca MJ, Valero-Aguayo L
- Year: 2022
- Journal: Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
- DOI: 10.1111/aphw.12365
- PMID: 35505620
- Focus: Contextual behavioral science approach for enhancing student well-being
138. The Effect of a Mindfulness-Based Education Program on Brain Waves and the Autonomic Nervous System in University Students
- Authors: Jung M, Lee M
- Year: 2021
- Journal: Healthcare
- DOI: 10.3390/healthcare9111606
- PMID: 34828651
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Mindfulness-based education effects on brain waves and autonomic nervous system
139. A self-support approach to satisfy basic psychological needs during difficult situations
- Authors: Behzadnia B, FatahModares S
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Motivation and Emotion
- DOI: 10.1007/s11031-022-09968-9
- PMID: 36039331
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Self-support approach for satisfying psychological needs in difficult situations
140. The Association between exposure to COVID-19, internalizing symptoms, and Dispositional Mindfulness in Adolescents: a longitudinal pre- and during-pandemic study
- Authors: Royuela-Colomer E, Fernández-González L, Orue I, Calvete E
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Child Psychiatry & Human Development
- DOI: 10.1007/s10578-022-01349-0
- PMID: 35426548
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Dispositional mindfulness and COVID-19 exposure effects on adolescents
141. Dispositional Mindfulness and Inhibitory Control after Perceiving Neutral, Food and Money Related Stimuli
- Authors: Logemann-Molnár Z, Akıl AM, Cserjési R, Nagy T, Veres-Székely A, Demetrovics Z, Logemann A
- Year: 2022
- Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19042201
- PMID: 35206388
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Dispositional mindfulness and inhibitory control in response to various stimuli
142. Design of a Mindfulness Virtual Community: A focus-group analysis
- Authors: El Morr C, Maule C, Ashfaq I, Ritvo P, Ahmad F
- Year: 2020
- Journal: Health Informatics Journal
- DOI: 10.1177/1460458219884840
- PMID: 31709878
- Free Article: Available
- Focus: Design considerations for a mindfulness virtual community
143. A qualitative inquiry comparing mindfulness-based art therapy, mindfulness and neutral clay tasks as a proactive mental health solution for college students
- Authors: Cheshure A, Van Lith T
- Year: 2023
- Journal: Journal of American College Health
- DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2022.2155462
- PMID: 36595633
- Focus: Comparison of mindfulness-based art therapy and other interventions for college students’ mental health
144. Art therapists’ fear of COVID-19, subjective well-being, and mindfulness
- Authors: Jue J, Ha JH
- Year: 2022
- Journal: The Arts in Psychotherapy
- DOI: 10.1016/j.aip.2022.101881
- PMID: 35068639
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Relationship between COVID-19 fear, well-being, and mindfulness among art therapists
145. Seeing attractive faces challenges inhibitory control, especially when mindful
- Authors: Logemann-Molnár Z, Veres-Székely A, Demetrovics Z, Logemann HNA
- Year: 2022
- Journal: PLOS ONE
- DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273913
- PMID: 36048784
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Impact of attractive faces on inhibitory control in relation to mindfulness
146. Correction Effect of the “Art Coloring” Online Coloring Game on Subjective Well-Being Increase and Anxiety Reduction During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Development and Evaluation
- Authors: Xi J, Gao Y, Lyu N, She Z, Wang X, Zhang XA, Yu X, Ji W, Wei M, Dai W, Qian X
- Year: 2022
- Journal: JMIR Serious Games
- DOI: 10.2196/41253
- PMID: 35973213
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Correction to a study on online art coloring for well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic
147. The CAMSI Column: Students’ Art Exhibition
- Author: McConachie DB
- Year: 1948
- Journal: Canadian Medical Association Journal
- PMID: 20324373
- Free PMC Article: Available
- Focus: Students’ art exhibition (historical context)
These studies collectively demonstrate the growing interest in mindfulness-based interventions, including mindful coloring, for university students. The research covers various aspects such as anxiety reduction, stress management, psychological well-being, and academic performance. Future research may focus on long-term effects and the integration of these interventions into university support systems.