Mindfulness of Breath
These short mindfulness exercises focus on bringing awareness to the process of breathing. As something that we are doing all of the time, watching our breath allows us to come into the present moment and practice being aware.
All of the guided meditation exercises below are protected by a creative commons licence, meaning they are free to download and distribute non-commercially. Please credit the original sources when doing so and feel free to direct people here for more resources.
Three minute breathing (3:35) – Peter Morgan
Five minute breathing (4:39) – Life Happens
Ten minute breathing (9:56) – Peter Morgan
Ten minute mindfulness of breathing (10:01) – Padraig O’Morain
Brief mindfulness practices
The Breathing Space (5:39) – Vidyamala Burch, Breathworks
Three Step Breathing Space (3:34) – Peter Morgan
Three minute mindfulness of sounds (3:02) – Peter Morgan
*** The content above comes from Free Mindfulness Project